Policies & Procedures


General Information


Pre-K – Grade 8: School begins at 8:00 a.m.

  • Students arrive at school starting at 7:30 a.m and can wait under teacher supervision in the school gym.

  • At 8:00 a.m. students and teachers share morning prayers in the gym.

  • Dismissal is at 3:00 p.m. on full days and 12:10 p.m. on half-days.

  • Students who are not picked up by 3:10 pm (or 12:20 pm on half- days) go to After School Care (ASC), to ensure that they are safely supervised.


For the safety of our children, all visitors are required to sign in at the office and to wear a “Visitor” name tag. All volunteers who will have contact with children in any way must complete a background check through the Child Protection Coordinator office@bethesda-lourdes.org and take the Virtus Child Protection class before they may volunteer at school. This Archdiocesan requirement was instituted to ensure the safety of every student.

Daily Routines & Attendance


Regular school attendance is required by law.

  1. When a student is absent because of illness, call the front office or send an email to the child’s homeroom teacher and include the front office (at office@bethesda-lourdes.org), by 8:30 am each day that the student is absent.

  2. Students are given one day to make up missed work for every day that they are ill. In cases of extended illness, teachers and parents will work to create a plan for covering missed work.

  3. Family vacations during the time when school is in session can adversely affect a child’s success in school. Please notify the school office and the classroom teacher in advance if your child will miss school for a vacation or trip.

  4. Students who will miss school for a family vacation are expected to meet with the teacher to create a plan for missed assignments and return those completed assignments as directed by the teacher.


It is difficult for children when they arrive at school late. They can struggle to catch up to the classroom activities and it can be disruptive to the classroom instruction when they arrive late. Parents are asked to bring their children to school before the 8:00 am bell rings. This allows children to settle in, and begin the day with their peers. Students are marked tardy if they are not present at 8am.


The following information is included in this handbook under the direction of the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Washington.

The following are valid reasons for excused absences from school (if properly documented upon the student’s return to school):

  1. Illness of the student (after three days of illness, student must provide medical documentation indicating that he/she is able to return to school)

  2. Medical or dental appointments

  3. Death in the student’s immediate family

  4. Necessity for a student to attend a judicial proceeding

  5. Lawful suspension or exclusion from school by the chief administrator

  6. Temporary closing of facilities or suspension of classes due to severe weather, official activities, holidays, malfunctioning equipment, unsafe or unsanitary conditions, or other conditions requiring closing or suspension of classes

  7. Other absent(s) approved in advance by the chief administrator upon the written request of a parent or guardian. Sufficient notice should be given to the school in order to provide anticipated student work that the student is expected to complete during their absence. Failure to provide sufficient notice may result in an unexcused absence.

    Any absence that does not fall into one of the above categories, or is not properly documented by the student’s parent/guardian, is an unexcused absence.


Preschool (Lg & PreK) through Grade 8: School begins at 8:00 am. Dismissal is at 3:00 pm on full days and at 12:10 pm on half days. After school, students must be under the supervision of faculty or staff if they are in the school building. Students whose parents are unable to arrive by 3:10 (or 12:20 on half days) are signed in to After School Care. Parents should see the ASC Director to retrieve their child. This allows us to ensure that all children are cared for and kept safe at all times when they are at Lourdes.


Students are dismissed to the parking lot after the 3:00 pm bell. Students walk to the parking lot with their teacher and classmates, and remain with their teacher until a parent has notified the teacher that he or she is taking the child.

Parents should park their cars in the parking lot and walk over to their child's line. Children are not permitted to run to the car or be picked up on the street. Parents should never park or pull over on Pearl Street directly outside of school to drop off or pick up a child. All cars should enter the lot and park. While this may take a few extra minutes, it ensures that all students are safe during the dismissal process.

Students who walk home or ride the metro are dismissed from school when their class walks to the parking lot. Students who walk and ride the metro must have a written permission to do so on file in the school office.

Students attending After School Care go to ASC before their classmates go outside.

Teachers and children remain outside until 3:10 pm. At 3:10 pm all students who have not been picked up return to the building and check in to the After School Care Program, where they will be supervised until the parent arrives. No students wait outside or in the school lobby.


After School Care is provided from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm on full days and from 12:10 pm – 6:00 pm on half days, for an additional fee. Children must be registered to attend after school care.
All questions should be directed to the After Care Staff: Irma Oropeza at asc@bethesda-lourdes.org.


Instruction is provided from 8:00 am through 3 pm. At 2:50 pm students pray together to end the school day. Parents will allow their children to remain in school until the school day ends. On the rare occasion a child must leave school before the day ends, parents will notify the school office and the classroom teacher before noon.

Children will not be released to anyone other than a parent or guardian without written permission from the parent. Non-custodial, unfamiliar adults will be required to show acceptable proof of identity.


For the safety of our children, all visitors should enter and exit the building through the main doors. The lower doors on either side of the front entrance are armed with an alarm and should not be used to enter or exit the building during the school day. Visitors will be signed in at the office. ​

Uniform Specifics

An Our Lady of Lourdes student shows respect for themselves and others through conduct and appearance. Discipline in following the school Dress Code is expected as an indication that school is a place for serious work and that one’s appearance is a source of pride.

  1. All students (LG-8) are required to be in full uniform each school day. On P.E. days, grades 6-8 will change into P.E. uniforms at school; grades K-5 will wear P.E. uniforms to school.

  2. A child not in full uniform will be excused if a parental explanation is received in writing.

  3. We strongly advise parents to label all clothing clearly and indelibly with the student’s name.

  4. Both girls and boys must keep hair clean, away from the eyes and not extreme in style (including dyed/colored hair, spiked hair, mohawks, shaved patterns, colored extensions and clip-on hair). Boys’ hair will be trimmed to be off the collar, above the ears, and out of the eyes. Boys are to be clean-shaven at all times. Boys and girls are not permitted to have hair hanging in their eyes. Hair accessories must coordinate with the school uniform colors (navy blue, gold, and white) and remain in the hair at all times. Headbands must be thin, no wider than one and a half inches.

  5. School shoes for the winter uniform are brown or black leather, lace, buckle or loafer, below-the-ankle, without colored logos or stripes; heels must be less than one inch high. If boots are worn to school they need to be changed upon arrival at school. School shoes for fall and spring are athletic shoes with laces or velcro.

​The school administration will judge the appropriateness of any fad or questionable article of apparel, jewelry, or hairstyle.

Birthday Exception: Students may come to school in “tag day” (out of uniform) clothing on their birthday.

Our Uniform (new in 2021)

Our design begins at the center with the "OLOL" which stands strong as the foundation of our church and school. It represents the strength gained from our community (our students, families, alumni, faculty, staff, administration, and clergy). The simple school/church design that sits upon OLOL represents the Catholic nature of everything we believe in, learn, and stand for at our school. The glistening rays that emanate from our school represent the presence of holiness, kindness, goodness, and strength that comes from OLOL because of our faith in God and the outstanding work that all the people under this roof produce at OLOL everyday. The three lines under OLOL signify the importance of the number three in our Catholic faith and our own school motto (faith, excellence, service), as well as a visual representation of the steps leading up to our building. Around the outside circle we highlight our full school name, we show pride in our location in Bethesda, MD, and we emphasizes the establishment year of 1941.

Shop Uniforms


Purchased at our school store


Purchased through the OLOL school store

Uniform Requirements

All information can be found in the OLOL Handbook

Health & Safety


Emergency Medical forms are completed on TADS for each child at the beginning of each school year. Please inform the school nurse and update TADS forms if there is a change in your child’s health status. Your child’s current immunizations MUST be on file before the start of school.


All over-the-counter and prescription medications to be administered at school require written permission and specific written instructions from a physician. Medications must come to school in their original packaging with the child’s name on them.

Children should never carry medication of any kind with them during the school day, nor should they keep medication in their backpacks. All medication should be handed to the school nurse or office personnel.


According to state and county regulations, immunizations and health records must be up-to-date for students enrolled in Our Lady of Lourdes School. Students will not be permitted to attend school if all records are not complete and on file in the health room office before the start of school. Parents are encouraged to contact pediatricians early in the summer to avoid difficulties at the beginning of the school year.

Fill out form and take to your doctor


When your child is ill, he or she should not come to school.

A child who has a fever, has vomited, or had diarrhea, will remain home until symptoms, fever, or signs of a fever (chills, feeling warm, flushed appearance, or sweating) have been absent for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing or other medication.

Students sent home with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea may not return to school the next day. (24 hour rule)

Any child who has pinkeye, conjunctivitis, hand-foot-and mouth disease or any other highly contagious illness should remain home for 24 hours after medication has been administered.

Any child who has head lice will be sent home and can return once treatment has begun. Head lice can spread through a classroom very quickly. We recommend that parents wash coats, hats, sheets, blankets and stuffed animals in hot water.


All health information regarding your child is considered confidential information, and will not be shared unless deemed necessary by school administrators in collaboration with parents. Please speak to the principal if you have concerns about your child’s health as it relates to school participation and attendance.


Regular fire and emergency drills are held throughout the school year. All students and adults who are in the building at the time of a drill will participate in that drill. In the event of an emergency that requires that students remain in school beyond the regular dismissal time, parents will be notified. School administrators will keep students in the building until they are certain that circumstances have been resolved. If schools in the immediate area are “sheltered in place,” we will not dismiss until we receive word that it is safe.


The following information is included in this handbook under the direction of the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Washington.

In the event of an emergency or crisis, the Archdiocese of Washington may send a team of school counseling professionals to Our Lady of Lourdes. One-time, initial counseling services may be rendered to students by school or archdiocesan counseling staff in the event of a crisis or emergency.

Behavioral Expectations

The following information is included in this handbook under the direction of the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Washington.

As a Catholic school, Our Lady of Lourdes believes and teaches that each of us is called to love our neighbors and treat them with respect. Our Lady of Lourdes School is committed to providing a physically safe and emotionally secure learning environment that is free from bullying, harassment and intimidation in any form, including cyberbullying. Bullying, harassment and intimidation of any member of the school community is prohibited. All reports of bullying, harassment and intimidation will be treated seriously. The principal’s review and investigation of a credible allegation will be done in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner.

Reprisal or retaliation against anyone who reports acts of bullying, harassment and intimidation is strictly prohibited. All reports of reprisal or retaliation will be treated seriously. The principal’s review and investigation of a credible allegation will be done in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner.

Bullying, harassment and intimidation means any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, including electronic communication (telephone, cellular phone, computer, pager, iPad, etc.) that:

  1. Physically harms an individual; damages an individual’s property; substantially interferes with an individual’s education or learning environment; or places an individual in reasonable fear of harm to the individual’s person or property; and

  2. Occurs on school property; at a school activity or event; on a school transportation vehicle or bus; or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of a school.

    In the event of any actual or perceived threat of violence or other inappropriate/ illegal behavior, Our Lady of Lourdes School reserves its right to take any and all actions it deems necessary for the health and safety of its school community, including the individual(s) making the threat. These actions may include contacting law enforcement offices, mental health professionals and/or any other outside experts as the school official(s) deems necessary. A student who makes a threat of violence may be required to remain off school property until a mental health professional certifies that the student is not a danger to him/herself or others, or may be subject to disciplinary action, including expulsion.


Each student has the right:

  • To be treated in a manner that exemplifies Christ’s command to “love one another”

  • To be treated respectfully by faculty, staff, visitors and peers

  • To learn in a caring and positive atmosphere

  • To expect that the school will provide a strong academic curriculum

  • To have every opportunity to excel in a safe environment


Each student has the responsibility:

  • To treat others in a manner that exemplifies Christ’s command to “love one another”

  • To show respect to faculty, staff, visitors and peers through the use of good manners

  • To contribute to a caring and positive learning environment

  • To seek support in an honest and appropriate manner

  • To approach each lesson with a willingness to learn

  • To come to class prepared for each lesson


Each teacher will discuss with students the specific behavioral expectations for their class. Most misbehavior is addressed at the classroom level. Teachers will contact parents if the student’s behavior is impacting classroom instruction.

Behaviors that negatively impact instruction include, but are not limited to:

  • Disrespectful and rude behavior

  • Use of foul or inappropriate language

  • Chewing gum or eating in classrooms without permission

  • Refusal to comply with instructions from teachers or administrators

  • Being in any school space or leaving school grounds without permission

  • Use of cell phones, iPods, iPads or other items that will detract from the learning situation

More serious infractions will result in suspension or expulsion. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Bullying, fighting, threatening or harassing

  • Vandalism, stealing, smoking, using drugs or alcohol

  • Possession of drugs or alcohol on school grounds

  • Possession of a weapon on school grounds or at school sponsored events

The following information is included in this handbook under the direction of the Catholic Schools Office of the Archdiocese of Washington. It is signed and submitted in each family's TADS agreement.